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MMoDA 0x02 - les p'tits rats des champs - by pépé production [web]

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-                MMoDA                 -
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-     Mini Museum of Digitized Arts    -
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-                0x02                  -
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-      les p'tits rats des champs      -
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-     XXth century little peasants     -
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-          conception : pépé           -
-           music : Dma-Sc             -
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- this new exhibition from the MMoDA   -
- is dedicated to XIXth century        -
- realistic and naturalistic artists   -
- who painted the hard life of the     -
- peasants of that time, specially     -
- children and yound adults, working   -
- all day long in the fields           -
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- we wish you a pleasant visit         -
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-  two floppy disks for Atari ST/STe   -
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