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Python by Team210 [web]

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                :: Python ::
                by  Team210

                  :: Size ::  
            3.95 KB (4.048 bytes)

              :: Instructions ::
                   Run exe.
   Don't get nervous when it takes some time.

                 :: Team210 ::
                NR4 - Code, GFX

               :: Last words ::
      Once you offend, you cannot stop.

  That's when you wanted to write a 4k intro but
  get distracted with a surprise exe gfx. x) don't
  worry, I'll likely finish the intro in time. :)

    * Sphere traced. With an optimization. Also sphere-traced 
      soft shadows.
    * Nipple mapping (or "inverse spherical Fibonacci mapping") 
      on the mushroom dots.
    * Analytical quadratic bezier spline sdf for the SNEK 
    * SNEK mapping (or tangential bundle determination) on the
      SNEK texture and the SNEK radial size - and to let the 
      mushrooms grow in any direction I like.
    * Smooth voronoi for the cracks in the mud
    * Multifrequency value stack for the mud
    * Shameless noise fake tricks on the grass.
    * No happy trees this time. They'll be back.


         Some hats are tipped to

            * Alcatraz
            * Mercury
            * The Electronic Knights
            * Never
            * Farbrausch
            * Vacuum
            * Schnappsgirls
            * Kewlers
            * K2
            * Dekadence
            * Genesis Project
            * Jumalauta
            * Wursthupe
            * Die Wissenden
            * AttentionWhore
            * Prismbeings
            * Shau


            Also know how to enhance
              your sphere tracing.
      Mercury know how you should do it.

                I can not die.

         CU @ any party that is held in
         person 2k21. I hope it is the
                 VORTEX 2k21!
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