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blit22 by ErrorSoft

88           88  88            ad888888b,   ad888888b,  
88           88  ""    ,d     d8"     "88  d8"     "88  
88           88        88             a8P          a8P  
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88P'    "8a  88  88    88        a8P"         a8P"      
88       d8  88  88    88      a8P'         a8P'        
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8Y"Ybbd8"'   88  88    "Y888  88888888888  88888888888  
                   / /_  __  __
                  / __ \/ / / /
                 / /_/ / /_/ / 
                /_.___/\__, /  
     ___  ______________  ______________  / __/ /_
    / _ \/ ___/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ ___/ __ \/ /_/ __/
   /  __/ /  / /  / /_/ / /  (__  / /_/ / __/ /_  
   \___/_/  /_/   \____/_/  /____/\____/_/  \__/  
|                                                      +-+
|      Full name:    blit22                            | |
|                                                      | |
|  Release party:    Chaos Constructions 2021 winter   | |
|                                                      | |
|       Platform:    ZX Spectrum (Pentagon 128)        | |
|                                                      | |
|       Category:    256 byte oldschool intro          | |
|                                                      | |
|          Group:    errorsoft                         | |
|                                                      | |
|  Contacts:  tg:    @errorsoft                        | |
|           site:    errorsoft.org                     | |
|         github:    github.com/errorcalc              | |
|                                                      | |
|           Code:    error                             | |
|                                                      | |
+------------------------------------------------------+ |

Used tools:
  +-------- asm:    sjasm
  +--- emulator:    Unreal
  +----- editor:    Notepad++

                22 years = 22 amiga ball
   can you hear the noise?
   it's not just noise, 
   it's an endless search for meaning and new ideas.
   Tottal animation is killing the scene!
   Write demos with realtime effects!
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