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ALIEN RADIO by Insiders


    A    L    I    E    N         R    A    D    I    O

        b y  . r u g u e v a r a . i n s ! d e r s .

TL;DR — run "alienradio-en.tap"


                       A  B  O  U  T

This is a 256 bytes ZX Spectrum tiny intro, party version.
But with a -twi..- fancy loader. Or without, if you wish.

Special for Yandex Demodulation 2020 Demofest.

This is a 256 bytes tiny intro, and it does precalculations
that take some long time. So I've made a... loader. While
the main 256 bytes code is doing boring precalculations,
loader, with the help of ISR, displays some nice logo and
an entertaining text pages. A little animated ones. Enjoy!

But please appreciate only the main effect code, loader
is just-for-fun only. You can run "bare-loader.tap/trd"
to spend precalc time looking at empty screen and not to
be distracted by any fanciness. But don't you dive into
the loader Basic program also then.

Remember! This is still a 256 bytes intro, after all.
then wait, watch, listen and judge if not by your heart,
but by your spotless mind.


          F  O  R    P  A  R  T  Y    O  R  G  S

You are free to choose any version for a show: with
T H E  F U N, or without it. You are also free to read
preliminary text by voice (see it below), while viewers
are looking at the empty screen (or maybe not).


                     T  H  A  N  K  S

Thanks to whole . i n s ! d e r s . team for help with
reviewing early drafts and testing. Special thanks to
. b f o x  for sizecoded music player ideas and for
suggesting to make a loader with a countdown running while
the main code is doing precalculations. It's my fault I've
stretched this idea way too far. Thanks to  n o d e u s
for preparing youtube-ready 4K video captures. Huge thanks
to  s p k e  for the editing of English version text.


                       F  I  L  E  S

alienradio-en.tap...........fancy loader, English, for 128K
alienradio-en.trd.........fancy loader, English, for TR-DOS
alienradio-ru.tap...........fancy loader, Russian, for 128K
alienradio-ru.trd.........fancy loader, Russian, for TR-DOS
bare-loader.tap.....................simple loader, for 128K
bare-loader.trd...................simple loader, for TR-DOS


   A            L            I            E            N

   R            A            D            I            O

Recorded Alien Music transmissions are remarkably
sophisticated. Individual voices appear unrelated
to each other even after many listens. However, many
researchers believed that the voices exhibit a unified
mathematical structure.

In 2080, Professor Clive Z. Xing (of Wolfram Institute
of Experimental Mathematics at Shanghai) proposed that
despite the unimaginable complexity of the alien
music, the voices are generated by a small set of simple
mathematical rules. To determine these rules an efficient
search algorithm for a 128-kiloqubit quantum computer was
soon formulated.

Unfortunately, a computer of this capacity does not exist,
so HyprSpectr, a crowd-sourced distributed computing
platform was created to implement a virtual quantum-
Altwasser machine running on a large-scale network
of regular home neurocomputers.

The search was successful: the rules, their mathematical
structure, and the way they mapped onto the voices of Alien
Radio were all found. It turned out that the generated
structure has interesting mathematical properties, and
the significance of this discovery for xeno-culturology,
mathematics, and the applied Theory of Life, the Universe
and Everything is yet to be fully appreciated...




                      G O !

Музыка инопланетян очень сложная. На первый взгяд
отдельные голоса никак не связаны между собой.
Тем не менее, большинство исследователей полагают,
что они являются проявлениями некой единой
математической структуры.

В 2080-м году Клайв Син (Clive Xing, проф. Шанхайского
Института Экспериментальной Математики им. С. Вольф-
рама) предположил, что несмотря на невообразимую
сложность музыки инопланетян, эти голоса порождаются
небольшим числом простых математических операций.
В целях их поиска был создан оптимальный алгоритм
для 128-килокубитного квантового компьютера.

К сожалению, компьютера такой мощности еще не
существует, поэтому была создана крауд-вычислитель-
ная распределенная платформа HyprSpectr, реализующая
виртуальную квантовую машину Альтвассера в сети
большого числа обычных домашних нейрокомпьютеров.

Поиск увенчался успехом: правила, математическая
структура и способ ее отображения в голоса Инопланет-
ного Радио найдены. Оказалось, что порождаемая
структура обладает очень интересными математичес-
кими свойствами и значение этого открытия для ксено-
культурологии, математики, Теории Жизни, Вселенной
и всего остального еще предстоит осознать...




                      G O !
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