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Soncrap intro by Soncrap

|	   ______  _______  _______  _______  ______   _______  ______     |
|	  / _____)(_______)(_______)(_______)(_____ \ (_______)(_____ \    |
|	 ( (____   _     _  _     _  _        _____) ) _______  _____) )   |
|	  \____ \ | |   | || |   | || |      |  __  / |  ___  ||  ____/    |
| 	  _____) )| |___| || |   | || |_____ | |  \ \ | |   | || |         |
|	 (______/  \_____/ |_|   |_| \______)|_|   |_||_|   |_||_|         |
|     	                         ___    __   _		![DoOm]!	   |
|      	        MSFTUG-         / _/__ / /__| |_			   |
|      	        SUBDIVISION    |  _   |_____   _|		           |
|      	                       |  \_  |     | |				   |
|      	                       |______|     |_|		   		   |
|      	        We thought we were the best, but then	           	   |
|      	        we just failed like the fucking Rest.	        	   |
    | Game....: 1080ø USA-Version - Protected -                        |
    | Size....: 128Mbit                Rel.Date..: Apr-05-1998         |
    | Supplier: Master of Cheezy Music - Tlippy                        |
º                                                                          º
º    MSFTUG restarts releasing and so must SonCrap then. First USA-Release º
º    for SC,so fucking enjoy it. Don't know if there are much differences  º
º    to the MSFTUG-Release of 1080ø JAP-Version but hey, after all         º
º    Titanik will get some new work to do. :-)                             º
º                                                                          º
º    Hey people of N64-Major Charts, what about to include an all-time     º
º    chart at the end of the iusses ? would be cool. Keep up the work !    º
º+°´°+,¸,+°´°+,¸¸,+°´°->    G R O U P - N E W S    <-°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸,+°´°+,º
º                                                                          º
º   And here our complete SITE-Linup:                                      º
º                                                                          º
º   SYSTEM                SPEED     STATUS                OPERATOR         º
º                                                                          º
º   Zutritt Verboten      T3        INet-WHQ              Der Aufseher     º
º   Virtual Springfield   T1        INet-Distro-HQ        Saska            º
º   FreekWorld         ISDN/28.8    BBS-WHQ               Cyborg           º                                                                        º
º                                                                          º
º      If you think you can contribute to a nice scene leave mail to       º
º  actraiser@dextrose.com or visit #msftug and contact one of the members. º
º         We are always looking for N64-Coders and Rom-Suppliers.          º
º+°´°+,¸,+°´°+,¸¸,+°´°->   G   R   E   E   T   S   <-°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸,+°´°+,º
º                                                                          º
º  To Daddy MSFTUG & Titanik/CZN for eventually making that release work!  º
º                                                                          º
    |                           __                                     |
    |              ###         /  ´°+<===ACTRAiSER & RCF               |
    |   THE         #  ###  ## ###                       # # # # # # # |
    |       SONCRAP #  ##  # # ###--+<=====LongShot & FAZE             |
    |               #  ### ### # #                         # # # # # # |
    |               #          \__¸,+<=======Sponge & [DoOm]           |
    |       (MSFTUG SUB-DIV)    \                            # # # # # |
    |                            \¸,+<===============nETFUCKER & LaC   |
    |                                                                  |
    |    A MSFTUG SUB-DIV!(for more info on MSFTUG read MSFTUG.nfo)    |
º+°´°+,¸,+°´°+,¸¸,+°´°->  P A S T  R E L E A S E S  <-°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸,+°´°+º
º A lot we had, a lot we will have .... SonCrap - Crap for the Masses      º
    |   Don't miss any of our crap-releases or you'll regret it later, |
    |   Shithead!                                        - TEAM MSFTUG |
<[--]> Layout and all ascii art (c) [DoOm]&SONCRAP 1997[03/07/1997]<[--]>

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