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fire power cracktro by Bad Ass Dudes

                            B.a.D. Presents
                              Fire Power

                            Released 9/19/91

   Crack by    : Slash Gordon
   Supplied by : Psychic Mule
   Graphics    : CGA/EGA
   Sound       : Beeps and screeches
   Game Play   : MODEM SUPPORT!!!!

   Game Notes:  This is a cool tank game that I think you will like very
   much.  It is only ega, but it can be played over the modem and is
   destined to be another modem-game classic.  Thanks go out to Psychic
   Mule for this one, and to The Lubricator for keeping the courier
   system in line on the last few releases.

   Controls:  You can play one or two players and can use any combo of
   one or two joysticks, keypad, and keyboard to control your tank.  Tanks
   are chosen from one of three all-powerful tanks each with unique
   features.  To quit the game, press F10.

   Greets:  THG - We crush your spine! Suffer your insane death forever more!
            TWA - What's the deal?  Get in touch if you are interested.
            Fabulous Furlough - Give me a call sometime and say hello again.
            ICE - Like the newsletter, decent VGA animations.
            TDT/TRSI - Do you do american cracks? GOOD groups do...
            RAZOR 1911 - We tear your flesh to shreds!

                               B.a.D. is :

                              Bart Simpson
                         Blue Terror, Slash Gordon
                      The Lubricator, Spandex Phantom
                   Aryan Boy, Crib Death, Blind Justice
                  Bloody Ghoul, Frost Bite, Burlap Avenger
                     Premature Autopsy, Phrozen Ghost
                            Plumber of Sorrow
                               Death Hold

   Support Sites:
   (416)840-2167  [CHQ]  Pure Insanity
   (201)437-5706         The Fiery Depths of Hell
   (415)937-6141         The Light

   Call the B.a.D. VMB    24/hrs - 7/days
   (703)715-8551 x666

   Becoming a site
     To become a B.a.D. Site,  you must have 150 megs and a 9600 baud
   modem.  If you are in an area different than our existing boards and
   meet the qualifications, call our VMB and leave you voice number and
   board specifications.  We are looking to add more qualified sites and
   to determine costal headquarters before we explode onto the European

   B.a.D. group info
     B.a.D. may be merging with TWA in the future, dependent upon what
   TWA would be able to offer us in terms of stability and other
   important specifications.  If you have strong feelings on this merger,
   please call the B.a.D. VMB and voice your opinions.

   B.a.D. rockin' the world in '91
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