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xperience by Abstract

72,Rue du Dauphin‚
69003 LYON
                                     Yop !!!!!

         Before all, this demo works on VGA monitors !!! But, if you've
got a problem, contact us, we'll try to repair it.
     _______   _______               
    /_____/|  /_____/|
    |    | |  |    | |        A few details about Xperience by ABSTRACT :
    |    |/\  |    | |
    |___  \ \/  ___|/          - DSP SoundTrack on the whole demo,
        \  \/  /                 control volume by pressing '+' or '-' keys
         \    /\               - All the effects use DSP
     ____/    \ \_____         - All codes by Skynet and Simplet
    /___/  /\  \/___/|         - All Raytrace Pictures by Haltero
    |     /| \     | |         - Gfx by ZacK, 'Abstract World' logo by
    |    | |  |    | |           Casper from DUNE, Big ThanX
    |____|/   |____|/          - SoundTrack 'CyberRide' and 'Breath Of Life'
                                 by Jester From Sanity
    _____ ____        
    |   |/ _  \  
    |     / \  \                 You can see in this Demo :     
    |    |   |  |
    |     \_/  /         - Some nices RayTrace pictures in 505000 Colors
    |   |\____/          - Gouraud Shading  ( 23000 pixL/VBL )
    |   |                - 4096 Dots morphing
    |   |                - Multi-Objet Concave Inter Objets Morphing
    |   |                   'Abstract World' ( 80 Faces )
    |___|                - 3D Concave Morphing
       ______            - Light True Lines Morphing ( 67 Diago/VBL )
      /   _  \           - SpaceCut True Color ( DSP Rules !!! )
     /   / \  \          - Mapping ( 20000 PixL/VBL ) with rotations, zoom
    |   |   |  |            and streching
    |    \_/  /          - Mapping Fractal-Zoom
    |  \_____/           - VOLUME : Vector World ( maximun of 360 faces )
    |  |
    \   \_____           A lotta thanX to Bill from Rien-Du-Tout-Crew !!!
    ____ ____             - This demo has been coded in two months work
    |  |/ _  \                ( more or less relentless !!! )
    |    / \  \       
    |   /   |__|     The Abstract members who made this demo are now
    |  |             members of the Dune Team, Demomaker joined the
    |  |             Saturn Team to create a Falcon department
    |  |             ( Keep Workin' ), the others Abstract members aren't
    |__|             working no more, so Abstract is dead.
       |   |
       |   |         Skynet, Simplet, Haltero n' Zack really wanna thank
       |   |         the creators of Abstract coz they trust us from the
       |   |         beginning, and coz they created one of the coolest
       |   |         team on the Atari scene...
       |   |         
       |___|         I (Skynet) am very sorry for the bugs in the part called
       ______        Volume, but the routine is really too lame, and I'm 
      /   _  \       really fed up !!!
     /   / \  \
    |   |   |  |     Here comes the addresses where you can join us :
    |    \_/  /    
    |  \_____/                   Skynet
    |  |                         Loic BAUMANN
    \   \_____                   72 rue du Dauphine
     \________)                  69003 Lyon
    ____   ____                     FRANCE
    |  |   |  |      
    |   \  |  |                  Simplet
    |    \ |  |                  Stephane LESAGE
    |  |\ \|  |                  Rue des monts jura
    |  | \    |                  01200 Chatillon en Michaille
    |__|  \___|                     FRANCE
     /  ______)                  Haltero
    /  /                         Gr‚gory COIN
    |  |                         53 Rue des peupliers
    |  |                         Cidex 35
    |  |                         38070 ST Quentin Fallavier
    \   \_____       
     \________)                  ZacK
       ______                    Poste restante
      /   _  \                   Lyon 09
     /   / \  \                  69263 LYON Cedex 09
    |   |   |  |     
    |    \_/  /
    |  \_____/                   ABSTRACT 1994
    |  |                        ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~      
    \   \_____       

PS : By holding a key ( try and find it ! ) at the beginning of the demo,
you can see the Cpu-Time by pressing Control-Key all along the demo.
PS 2 : The EKO's Pubs aren't serious, it was just made for jokin' .

                            Stay Cool !!!
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