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Parallel Multiverse by Abyss [web]

Short:    Parallel Multiverse
Author:   Abyss
Type:     Java Demo

       .--ö-------------ö-----------ö-.       . . . ....: . ... . .
      |         _____  ._______ ._:__| [S] __._____  __:_____
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      |  ))) l____     l_______/ .   |    l________/________/ |
      |           |____|       ------l____|------------:----  :
      |    .The Deepest Experience. .|.................:. . . ..
      `--ö-------------ö-----------ö-'                 .                       
                          Parallel  Multiverse

                              Music: Neurodancer
                                Gfx: Celtic/Axis
                                Gfx: Tyshdomos
                               Code: Moon

This is our contribution to the Revision demo competition in 2020.
This demo is open source: https://github.com/Moon70/ParallelMultiverse
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