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Dreamcatch(); by Humane

             ___        l\                             _
            /  l     ___| \  /\    _/\________________ |\    ____/\_
    _______/   ¦____/   |  \/  \__/   ___/    ¬\____ ¬\| \__/   ___/________
   /      /    :   ¬\   |   \   \/   /¬\/   |   \/ ¬\  \  \/   __|__        \
   \     /  ____     \  |    \/\    /   \        \   \  \  \   |   ¬\       /
    \____\     |     /       /  \  /     \  |  [Stz]  \     \        \_____/
          \    |____/_______/___/\/\_____/__l_____/   |\____/__.   ___/
           \   |                                  \   |        |   /
            \  |                                   \  |        |  /
             \_l                                    \_l        l_/

                   ^O^  REMEMBER TO SUPPORT OUR BOARDS!  ^O^

Another demoscene demonstration from us, this time it's for Simulaatio 2020 party.

TITLE:    DreamCatch();
SIZE:     50 Megs

I asked for a song to a demo from my friend Tusk Mite and he delivered this incredible
piece of breakcore to me. Then I built it using Tooll.io and here it is. Enjoy.
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