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NSTRM by Holon [web] & Poo-Brain [web]


  ||      .______|_______\   _ _.                       __/\__       __
  | ._____|      |   _    \     |     __________\_ _____\    /      / /
  : |     |      |         \    | ____\.   _     \      \ ___\___| / /_ _
    |     .      |\_______ _\   |/     :          \   .  \)      |/ /_///
  . |_____|      | .    cG|_____/______|\__________\___\         | /
  :___    :------' |                               _  __\________:/
     7___       ___|                            / // /_//__/  //_//

NSTRM by holon x poo-brain

watch it in realtime on https://holon.drastic.net

\\ credits

  - pandur - code / visuals / music / direction
  - andro - music
  - chunna - overlays

\\ thanks for help and additional code:

  - bagoof
  - dino
  - simod

  - made with cables (http://cables.gl)
  - ops by cables user pandur (https://cables.gl/user/pandur)
  - ops by cables user andro (https://cables.gl/user/andro)
  - ops by cables user action (https://cables.gl/user/action)
  - ops by cables user simod (https://cables.gl/user/simod)
  - ops by cables user _LJ_ (https://cables.gl/user/_LJ_)
  - ops by cables user tim (https://cables.gl/user/tim)

\\ this demo uses the following public/open source libraries/snippets:

  - glmatrix by toji (https://github.com/toji/gl-matrix)
  - Photoshop math GLSL shaders by Romain Dura (https://mouaif.wordpress.com/2009/01/05/photoshop-math-with-glsl-shaders/)
  - GPU-Noise-Lib by Brian Sharpe (https://github.com/BrianSharpe/GPU-Noise-Lib)
  - Worley Noise by Stefan Gustavson (https://thebookofshaders.com/edit.php#12/2d-cnoise-2x2x2.frag)
  - SSAO Shader by Martins Upitis (http://devlog-martinsh.blogspot.com)
  - Domain Warping Shader by inigo quilez (http://iquilezles.org/www/articles/warp/warp.htm)

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