Disk Maggie 25 by Reservoir Gods [web] & Maggie Team
p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q A new Maggie issue is not just a release, it's an event! Well... Here it is, Maggie 25, another chairbreaker of an issue, easily in the 700k plus area as far as the textfiles go, and by the time the intro on the Falcon version was added in, we had a real job to get it all in there.. Hence on the Falcon version, a lot of the screenshots are half-sized 'box' format similar to the Dead Hackers recent demos, as the screenshots are the real spacehogs in any given issue of Maggie.. But we managed it in the end! Well there's quite a lot of ground to cover with this .readme.txt this time around, so let's get stuck in! STOP PRESS! - Some late news.. We've just heard that the rights to TOS (The Operating System) have been bought by the makers of the Medusa Atari clone, it looks like they will be carrying out further development of it (TOS 6?) Undercover issue 11, replete with its new Earx-coded shell, has been released.. (More on 'Undercover' in a minute..) A batch of mixed demo releases, including several ST/STe intros, and one or two Falcon intros has been released from the French Volcanic Party. Bonus of 'Falcon Users Netherlands' (FUN) has released a preview version of his very long awaited 'Men at War' game, this should be finished soon, hopefully by InterJam, if there is sufficient response.. This game and other FUN news can be found at: FUNHomepage : www.xs4all.nl/~bonus Bonus has also told us that 'Funscape', the Falcon disk magazine has *not* stopped, and there will be future issues! More on these next issue! Undercover diskmag, how do we all get out of this mess? I've just had a quick look at their newly released issue 11, and whilst any detailed appraisal will have to wait until the next Maggie issue, I would say that I liked what I saw, the new shell (with one or two bugs, never mind, there is always next time!) looks good, the articles are of a better quality than before, the 'Scene News' part really seems to have got a new liveliness to it, and, dare I say, even Moondog seems to be a bit happier these days, with a ringing statement of intent to carry on to the year 2000! Having said that, there is also a contentious exchange of views in the letters pages between people about the review of Maggie 24 in their previous issue.. Now there is no point in adding to it needlessly to prove myself 'right', but I would like to make just one suggestion that might be helpful in the future.. With reference to news stories, if something sounds too weird to be true (Such as Maggie employing New Beat Developments to code a new shell), it might be a good idea to double check the story, or at least downgrade it from 'fact' to 'rumour'.. I accept that no-one, least of all ourselves, are perfect, and genuine mistakes do get made, but a few questions discreetly asked before something goes in the issue might well save us all a lot of grief in the letters pages in the end! (And just who did come up with the Maggie/New Beat story anyway? Answers on a postcard to the usual address...) Another thing, please don't take the 'Epilepsy' story personally Moondog, it was written in the heat of that contentious issue 10 review by one of our regular contributors who felt very strongly about it.. We appreciate the good work you are doing with UCM and hope that this series of mutual misunderstandings are behind us!! Maggie Charts! Check out the 'charts' folder on the disk for the first results of the all-new Maggie charts.. These came just too late to incorporate in the main text, but here they are in all their painstakingly compiled glory.. Also, please take time out to send in your votes on the enclosed form text also in the 'charts' folder.. Mucho gratefulness to those people who have voted thus far... Mr Pink reminded me to say.... Those of you reading the new Falcon Maggie shell, this is the proper authentic upgrade with all features implemented! There are several 'hidden' goodies, or 'features', see if you can find them! For those people who can't get beyond this readme.txt, there will be an all-new HTML version of this issue shortly available, the URL follows below: http://users.zetnet.co.uk/zmoe3/three.htm Look for 'Maggie online'.. Now even Hades owners can enjoy Maggie! The Brian Transeau interview, this is a major scoop for Maggie for those people into house music, or into the music/MIDI scene generally! The 'Scene News' section is bigger and better than ever, hopefully a constructive response to recent criticisms from certain people ;-) A dedication.... And finally, we'd like to do something we normally don't tend to do for an issue of Maggie, that is, to dedicate it to an outstanding individual. Now we're not normally in favour of handing out dedications the way some people do, like handing out cups of water, it can turn into an overused and devalued device that way.. On this occasion though, we dedicate this issue of Maggie to the actor Dermot Morgan, who died tragically at a relatively young age, and who will be sadly missed.. Dermot Morgan was the comic genius who played as 'Father Ted' in the television series of the same name which gave us such pleasure over the years.. Okay, you can get on with reading the rest of the issue now!! CiH - March 8th 1998
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