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Dark Goat Rises by Noice [web]

                       -+- Dark Goat Rises by Noice -+-

               - Released at Revision 2019 in Saarbrucken, Germany -

Legal Notice:
This demo is free to spread and copy as much as you want. 
However, if you put this on a medium availible to the public in any way,
you should send us a copy. Program is provided as is, without any kind
of warranty.

System requirements:
* Amiga 1200, with 060 CPU and 32MB of RAM

- Start from a fresh boot and reboot once finished.
- We might release a final more system friendly version.

Detailed Credits:
Music..............: Evade
Graphics...........: Flod
Coding.............: Krikkit, Gnilk

Additional/Detailed credits:
Goat picture, intro: Nico
End goat...........: Ranger (original) & Vaniljus (3d model)
Greeting Icons.....: Swoffa

Coding Gnilk.......: Landscape, Tentacles, Extruding Hexagon Cylinder, Greetings,
	                 Metaballs, L-System fractals, Line/Polygon streaming cruncher,
	                 System Code (Amiga / macOS)

Coding Krikkit.....: CSG, Wu Xialin AA Line Drawer

The cross platform framework (GOA) was written by:
	Gnilk, Krikkit, Igge, Hubble

This framework was used by our SW rendering demos around year 2000.

This demo uses:
* C2P and ADPCM player by Kalms/TBL
* Rocket by Kusma and others (Amiga fixes by us)
* Lodepng by Lode Vandevenne
* STB true-type by Sean Barrett
* VBCC compiler suite by Dr. Volker Barthelmann

Some words from the authors:
This was a bit trickier than we first thought. We clearly overestimated the
accuracy of UAE and the capabilities of the 060 FPU. Turned out it was also 
very hard to find an Amiga with a 060 board - and that they are expensive...

Getting the basics up and running wasn't much of a problem - finalization 
however took quite a bit of time.

Due to the above we never came around to fully optimize the pipeline. Because
of this we have relied on line/polygon streaming for certain parts. 

However, this was really fun and we might very well do it again some time!

Note: The video is recorded from a Pc/Mac rendering at 50fps.

    fairlight - tbl - censor design - offence - nature - horizon - pacific
    panda design - padua - vantage 

   For futher information and more detailed credits visit our web-site.

                www.noice.org - the center of goatology
               (site not active since at least 10 years)

// noice -- 20190422
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