noint10h by Desire [web]
"noint10h" - HellMood / DSR released just for fun 03/2019 64 bytes - FreeDos, Win XP Dos, MsDos, DosBox The proof of concept that a tiny intro with a graphic effect does not need a single int 10h. Of course that means, that the standard text mode with 80x25 in 16 colors has to be set. Also the nice takeaway that the rrrola trick can be used in textmode, although with another trick and aspect ratio correction Youtube Capture : Greeting to all sizecoders! ******************************************* org 100h push 0xb800-5 pop es X: mov ax,0xCCCD imul dx,di,byte 2 mul dx jc F hlt F: adc [bp+si],cl sal dh,3 sub dh,[si] pusha fild word [bx-9] fild word [bx-8] fpatan fst st1 fcos fimul dword [si] fidiv word [bx-8] fistp word [bx-4] fimul word [byte si+val-0x100] fistp word [bx-8] popa sub ah,[bp+si] xor ax,dx and ah,8+16 mov al,176 stosw jmp short X val: dw 5215 *******************************************
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