Hot Dots by Coma
Short: Hot Dots / COMA 1991 Author: Jackie.D, Aahz, Nick o'Teen, Tom Copper, Virgill Uploader: (Frank - Matrix/NGC) Type: demo/ecs COMA Television Presents Executive Producer Jackie.D Visual Editors Aahz, Nick o'Teen, Tom Copper Music Score Virgill ----- Demo ranked 2nd place at Prime'91 party by Vision and Mirage ----- You should be able to find a WHDLoad install for this demo at to run it on all Amiga's. ----- ============================ Archive Contents ============================ Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- ------------- 213220 213220 0.0% 16-Aug-02 16:40:26 HotDots.exe 814 348 57.2% 16-Aug-02 17:00:08 HotDots.ReadMe -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- 214034 213568 0.2% 16-Aug-102 17:00:20 2 files
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