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Fluxland BBS (1)

       :                                                               :
  úú --|-- úú                  f l u x l a n d                    úú --|-- úú
 ____,-----,--,     ____,---,____,-----,--,  ,------,___  __________________
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|ù  |______ _ |----'-   |ù  __   |ù  /_   |---//:   __  __ _  |:   |:   |:   | 
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|   :|   |ù   |   ://   |    /   |  :\    |ù  __ _  |ù   |    |    |    |    | 
|____|   |_________|________//___|   ù\_______//____     |____|    |________// 
       |                          `-----'            `----'    `----'  |       
       |   staff : apocalypse --- crimson pirate --- dragon highlord   |
       |        both nodes 28,800 --- 1.4+ gigabytes of storage        |
       |           --- contact staff for personal account ---          |
       |                (416) 532-0601 -- (416) 533-4585               |
  úú --|-- úú                                                     úú --|-- úú
       :                f   l   u   x   l   a   n   d                  :
       ú                                                               ú

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