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Here 2 Stay by Collapse [web]

                        C O L L A P S E

                        p r e s e n t s
                           t h e i r
                           f i r s t
                      p r o d u c t i o n
                          c a l l e d

                       H E R E 2 S T A Y

                      ( a weekend effort )


01. Requiriments
02. Intro Done By
03. Who we are
04. Where we are

// 01. Requiriments

 Pentium (recommended >700mhz)
 No acceleration or 3D API used
 Sound Card

// 02. Intro Done By

  Dardevil      Design
  MadGoblin     3D Gfx
  shash         Code & 3d ideas
  shock         2D Gfx
  Wizard        Music

// 03. Who we are

  b52           Code
  Dardevil      Design & 2D Gfx & 3D Gfx
  MadGoblin     3D Gfx
  shash         Code
  shock         2D Gfx
  wizard        Music

// 04. Where we are

 Find more info about us, and some other productions in:


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