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Pat256b by g0blinish

                                 .             .
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                   .::__ __ _____(___(/_O_\)___)___ __)_____::
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 |:  |    |:  /    |:  |/   |:  |    |:     |:  |    |:     |:  |    |:  |    |
_|:  ;    |:    _ _|:  /    |:  ;    |:     |:  |    |:     |:  ;   _|:  |    |
\_    ____|_    __\_    ____|_    ___|_    _|_  |____|_    _|_    ___|_  |____|
 `----'   _`----'   ----'    `----'   `----' `--'     `----' `----'___`--'
 . _ _____\            g   0   b   l   i   n   i   s   h             /____ _ .
   . _\\   \________________________________________________________/   //_ .
       \_____________\                                   /______________/
          .|  Title: Pat256b                                       |.
         //|  Prod type: 256b intro                                |\\
  ______// |  nick: g0blinish                                      | \\_______
 //     /  |  RealName: Krapivin Dmitry                            |  \      \\
/___/\_____|  contact: hruhruhru@yandex.ru                         |______/\___\
   /       :. Duration: n/a                                        :.       \
           .: Requirements: PMD85                                  .:
            | . Description:                                )   )  (|
            |_))_                                         /\  /\  /\|
           .(_+O_) _                                     _\ >_>_>_>_>
            .<..>_(_)______________________________________)__    __/
                      (_)                          dman_pcb\_______/_

compile source with Tasm 3.1 bcoz one support 8080

Download PMD 85 Emulator, Choose Tools->Settings->General..

At tab "Model" choose PMD 85-1

click OK

type MGLD 00 <Enter>, choose Tools->Tape browser? press button "Play".

After loading finished, type JUMP 0100 <Enter>

9:02 05.02.2016, g0blinish
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