Bleep Bloop Computer by Two Captains
Two Captains hereby invite you to: SOLSKOGEN 2018 - BLEEP, BLOOP, COMPUTER! Friday the 13th of July - Flateby, Norway. The legendary summer demoscene extravaganza returns, with more of what made us famous: free BBQ, amazing live compos (coding, graphics and music!), retro and modern regular compos, lug00ber playing tunes, sun, camping (if you want) and an all-out amazing time. Join us! Get your tickets and more information at and follow us on Twitter (@solskogenparty) to stay up-to-date on the happeti-haps! Invite by Two Captains: - lug00ber (tune) - Gloom (pixels) Created in Notch ( See you at the party in July!
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