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Time's Up by Xymox Project

Time`s Up

This is the second demo from XYMOX Project

All coding and graphics © 1991-94 by XYMOX ProjectŒ

Œexcept for the LZWD-routine which is by John Kortink

Musics by various artists


˜˜˜ Matters arising ˜˜˜

Leaving the demo (shame on you!)

Exit each part by clicking MENU once. The actual part will
be faded out first, so be patient :—)

You can immediately exit the whole demo by pressing Escape
once. This will not work during the loader-part.

Using new Multiscan-monitors

As custom-overscan-modes are used in this demo, problems
arise when running it with a monitor which doesn't syn-
chronize modes with less than 30KHz HSync frequency; if
such a monitor is used, an ARM2 will generally give slower
(eventually flickering) graphics, and with an old VIDC
(less than 36MHz pixel rate), things will get crude.

Running Time`s Up on Risc PC:

For reasons unknown to me, on some occasions the music
plays noticeable slower than normal. There doesn't seem
to be any solution other than resetting the computer.

Contacting XYMOX Project:

If you feel any reason to contact XYMOX Project, write to:

Florian Nicolai               Martin Willers
Schaarreihe 69                Ulrichstraße 32a
26389 Wilhelmshaven           26388 Wilhelmshaven
Germany                       Germany
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