radiohuuto by Mewlers
Radiohuuto by mewlers, final version released at lobotomia 2000, quite unfinished Rainmaker - gfx, scene & design 216 - code Synteesi - music Woody, Honeybunny, Nosfe, Dixan, Uncle-x - support Doesn't use any 3d accelration, may crash under windows. That's all i have to say. Greets to VLP, coma, coral, mfx, haujobb, pwp, spinning kids, tsyg, halcyon, other oldskool people and others we forgot. And about radiohuuto, as said in the demo: It is known amongst certain precognitive communities, that radiohuuto is a mixture of several wavelengths, and is used mainly by the government to control it's inhabitants. Futhermore, to be concise, it can be concluded, that radiohuuto is a very very very effective method of introducing confusing nausea. That's all we can tell you about it, the rest is too heavy stuff. btw. kraku on seksipeto
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