Lobotomia 2000 by Moppi Productions
Ai että The Spedes organisoi? Lahdessa? Tän on pakko olla jotain hyvää. -Tuntematon Ajattelija, Asm2k. . : ._______ _____ _______ | _____ ____. _____ _______ ___ _______ h7 | |/ _ \\ /____ |/ _ \_\ |__/ _ \____\ _ \__\_/__\__. \_ | |_ > \_ \\ | > \_ _/ > \_ \\// / \| /. |_______/_______/_____/ |________/____|_________/___\/_______________|_____| ----------------- - | | - ------------------------------------------------ : | . : LOBOTOMiA - OPERAATiO . . IN LAHTI 20-22.10.2000 Invitation intro & website are in finnish so here's something with more international flavor and with not so serious attitude. 1. WTF? WHO? WHERE? 2. TiCKET SALES & PRiZES 3. THE COMPETiTiONS 4. PARTY RULES 5. OTHER INFORMATION (PARTYLAN ETC) 6. HOW CONTACT ORGANIZING 7. THE BONUS PART 8. SPONSORS 1. WTF? WHO? WHERE? WHEN? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOBOTOMIA - THE OPERATION. It's a party organized by a group of finnish young people in Lahti, 100km north of Helsinki, Finland. Organized by LAME RY, WAMMA, SPEDES AND MOPPI. THE PARTYHALL is 1000m2 big and there's room for 360 computers and their owners. It is located in Mukkula (One happy suburb of Lahti) 2km from the center of town and 3km from the Lahti's railway station. See the map for further details. 2. TICKET SALES AND PRIZES Ticket sales is available via internet in the address www.lobotomia.cx . To access the ticket ordering system, one needs a java 1.1 compatible browser. At the time of updating this infofile, more than 2/3 of the tickets were already sold. 320 tickets are sold in advance and 40 from the door. Selling tickets started on Monday, 13th of August 2000 high noon. TICKET PRICES Computer seat: 100FIM + p&p 20FiM (IN ADVANCE!) 140FIM from the door. IF for some reason you're arriving to the party outside of Finland, we suggest you get in contact with h7 in the address h7@lobotomia.cx . Postage costs are 20FIM inside Finland and will be added to the price of ticket. Normal ticket: 50FIM (available only from the door) No discounts for ladies or foreigners. Computer seats include one chair, one electrical outlet and an RJ45 plug to access the partynet. Bring your own (atleast 5meter) rj45 cord with you. Also, if you need more than 1 electric outlet to get your computer working, bring your own cords. 3. COMPETITIONS Just refer to the webpages for more updated information on the competition. Do we need to say more? Prizes are given in cash or hardware or both at the partyplace on sunday. 4. PARTY RULES NO ALCOHOL or DRUGS inside of partyhall or anywhere nearby the partyarea. Smoking is allowed *ONLY* in a specified place near the main entrance. Drunken / wasted people can be thrown away from the party without a possibility to get refund or back inside. VANDALISM is highly prohibited. All costs will be reduced from the money reserved for the prizes. People who are too drunk/too high do not get in. So behave yourselves. 5. In case someone is interested, the partylan has a 1gb backbone between the tables (BIG thanks to Netron Oy). There are two servers from COMPAQ which will propably serve informational purposes. Gives the quake and 'artistic live shows' all the bandwidth they can eat. err. FOOD: Some eatable stuff is sold at the partyplace, we can also hand out the number and address of nearest supermarket & kotipizza. McDonalds delivers BigMac meals troughout the happening from one of their restaurants. Some groovy snacks, elite candy and twisted drinks are also sold. 6. HOW TO CONTACT ORGANIZING; - Main Organizer H7\TRSI.HIRMU.THE SPEDES.DAVID COPPERFIELD COURIERS.ANKKARYHMAE Tickets, Press, Other questions hotmail: h7@lobotomia.cx tel: 9700-PAHA-OLO irc: velikani - Network & Competitions organizer Rauno\wAMMA.THE SPEDES.DAVID COPPERFIELD COURIERS.DAS VIDEOSPIEL hotmail: sr@iki.fi tel: 9700-REHTORI irc: raana for more general stuff, hang out @ #lobotomia in IRCnet and contact chanops for more details. Website is in address http://www.lobotomia.cx 7. OUR SPONSORS AND PARTNERS, Without them this event would've never taken place. McDONALDS - SUPPLIER OF BIGMAC MEALS NETRON OY - SUPPLIER OF THE LOCAL AREA NETWORK aka PARTYLAN. NICCX.COM - THE WWW.LOBOTOMIA.CX DOMAIN COMPAQ - TWO p3-800 PROLINEA SERVERS LAHTI ENERGIA - OUR ENERGY SUPPLIER NOVOSYS - SOME HARDWARE PRIZES RIOT-E - COMPETITION PRIZES & MISC STUFF 8. Umm.. well. For alternative ways to spend the two nights in Lahti and some Ye Olde Shoppe -alike store locations, please refer to H7 either at the partyplace, by email or in IRC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ with love, H7.
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