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tiny tunes 2 by just for fun [web]


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     `--,____|----,____|----,____|----,____| `---,___\----,____|----|____|
                          ^ j U S T ^ f O R ^ f U N ^

 Les "the Creditz"
		                TINY TUNES vol2
  zik: Dwalin 
       ReZ/Eclipse (this issue guest Star)
  gfx: Exocet
  cod: Judge Miguel

  Sugestions & infos, contact us at Judgemiguel.justforfun@usa.net

 LA "the member-list"

  	Ed                   gfx artist               *France*
  	King ValJeaN         coder                    *France*
  	Judge MiGUeL         coder                    *France*
  	dWaLiN               zikos                    *France*
  	exocet               GfX artist               *France*
  	BENJi                Zikos                    *France*
  	White Stallion       coder, sleeper	      *France*
  	Gatekeeper           Zikos                   *Danemark*
        Yellow Sky	     coder		      *France*
	Goupil Brother	     coder		      *France*

 LeS "the BBs"
            A.C.E     ==   thE wOrld HQ     │+33-(0)1-????-????│ > gandalf  

           EQUALIZER  ==   thE Europe HQ    │+33-(0)1-4525-1923│ > thorin

             Les "the other bbs" mail me please cause i lost all 
             your number and your name  coz of a hard-diskcrash!

 See you at the saturne or at the next issue!
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