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FMX Music Demo by ate bit [web]

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-------------------- a t e  b i t  p r e s e n t s -------------- - -

FMX Music Demo (c64, one file demo)

code/petscii/music - 4mat
docs logo  - ne7

Read the scroller for more info, but basically this is a quick demo of a wrapper/driver I'm working on that converts SID music into FM data as it plays.   
The idea was to find an easier way to write songs for Commodore's FM Expander cart, as this lets you use any music editor you want. (in theory) 

If you don't have a cart (they're quite rare) then the Vice emulator supports this device, to switch it on:

1) Go to Settings Menu, select Cartridge/IO Settings.
2) Go into SFX Sound Expander settings.
3) Check the tickbox, leave the sound chip type as 3526.

We gave the previous version of this a test on hardware and it's working there , so hopefully this works too.  I'm still chasing down bugs and
generally fixing stuff so there's no fixed release date yet.


4mat / Ate Bit 2017

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