Waillee by Prismbeings
Waillee by Prismbeings Filesize: ca. 4089 bytes Release party: Deadline 2017 Short film in 4 kilobytes The following tools were used: 4klang 3.1.1 by Alcatraz Crinkler 2.0 by Loonies and TBC Shader Minifier by LLB Note: if your CPU isn't relatively powerful, the sound might cut out at some point because the music requires a lot from it. Code, visuals and music by: Adam's Angel of Prismbeings SALUTATIONS to 0x4015 adapt alcatraz aspekt calodox collapse conspiracy dead roman drift ekspert eos faemiyah fit hackers ivory logicoma mercury oo paraguay peisik quadtrip still supadupa tda traction trilobit trbl vaahtera
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