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2k Is No Limit by XAYAX

  ____  _  __  ___ ____    _   _  ___    _     ___ __  __ ___ _____ 
 |___ \| |/ / |_ _/ ___|  | \ | |/ _ \  | |   |_ _|  \/  |_ _|_   _|
   __) | ' /   | |\___ \  |  \| | | | | | |    | || |\/| || |  | |  
  / __/| . \   | | ___) | | |\  | |_| | | |___ | || |  | || |  | |  
 |_____|_|\_\ |___|____/  |_| \_|\___/  |_____|___|_|  |_|___| |_|  


presented by XAYAX for the oldschool compo on Deadline 2017

A 2K ROM celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Atari 2600 VCS release
(NTSC version), as the first releases all were only 2k in size.

Audio: Sunspire
Code:  SvOlli

For recording (or other) purposes, pressing and holding fire button of left
player delays the start of the demo until the button is released.

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