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Blok Copy DTV by Cosine [web]


The mission objective for Blok Copy is simple; the playfield contains seven
distinct designs of tile arranged into columns of five and, at the start of
each level, those tiles are shuffled around; the operator must then
reorganise those tiles to resemble their starting order to unlock the stage
and progress to the next until all ten levels have been re-synchronised.
The joystick directions move the four cursors placed at the edges of the
play area and holding the fire button down and moving simultaneously will
shuffle the highlighted row or column.

Based on the Commodore PET version released in 2008, Blok Copy is the first
release for Cosine on the C64DTV. In order to run it, you'll need a modified
C64DTV with 8 bits per pixel graphics (version 2 or 3) or the C64DTV
emulation now included with VICE.

Trivia: original version of Blok Copy (the still unreleased Atari 2600 version)
took a mere 4K of ROM, the PET version was squished into a mere 8K machine and
yes, we're aware of just how ironic the C64DTV2 version requiring 32K of memory
just for the graphics is!

Programming:	T.M.R
Graphics:	T.M.R
Music:		Odie
Documentation:	T.M.R
Format:		C64DTV
		(version 2 or 3)
Release date:	21st March 2009
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