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Jeriko by Oklahoma

1. System Requirements
      486/66 processor (the demo runs on a 386 but not too well)
      some base memory (580kb should be enough)
      some EMS (300kb should work fine) for music.
      Ms-Dos 3.2+
      NO SMARTDRIVE!!! (It will fuck up the demo)
2. What is Oklahoma?
      It isn't. It just does not exists. It never has. It never will be. It's
      a joke. So you can not join it, nor become a distribution site. That's
      the way it is, so be it.
3. Legal Stuff

	This material is not freeware. You are allowed to copy it without
	restrictions for non-commercial use.
	No payment of any kind may be charged for this product or any 
	combination of products or services including this product without
	our authorization and official written license.
	Commercial use, especially the industrial manufacturing on any
	data storage media and their distribution without the expressed
	permission of the producer, is strictly prohibited.
	This program or the data files contained herein may not be altered
	or modified without the permission of the author.
	You take full responsibility for the operation of this software
	and any conssequences thereof. We the creators cannot accept 
	liability for damages or failures arising from the use of this
4. Contacting info
      Contact me at:                SnailMail:
      BBS: +358-17-6183791 v34      Ville Nummela
      E-Mail: vige@sci.fi           varstatie 31
                                    13500 HML 50
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