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pxor by b-state

            ____________________ ________________________________
           /        \___/  \/___/  \__\__/         \__/_/        \
           [ . ]... /   \ . \  / . /     [   ____  ]    [ . ]... /
           [ . ]___/     \ . \/__ /      [  /___\  ]    [ . ]___/
           [ . ]          \ .... \       [  /____  ]    [ . ] \
           [ . ]           \___ . \      [  ____/  ]    [ . ]  \
           [ . ]          / . /\ . \     [  \___/  ]    [ . ]\  \
           [ . ]_________/ . /__\ . \____[         ]____[ . ]_\  \
 .  _  _ ______________________________________________________________ _  _  .


 ..how to descript intro in one line :)

   ouch, this will be too boring and short, so some tech info here:

   based on pretty simple and well known moire\interference\whatsover fx
   uses 40x25 textmode, doesn't require fpu (causing size-related troubles
   such as "how to generate sintab and other stuff" :)

   60fps on 8088\CGA (accordingly by PCem since I didn't have such config,
   but I hope that it will work on real HW as well)

   pc squeaker blib-blops-puuuuurrrs included (at least which is possible to
   get from speaker in remaining space =)

   p.s. if you have any suggestions about palette eyecancerness, complain! :)


p.s. .kowalski.kowalski.kowalski - π«»α«ß! :)
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