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Logon's run - 3D meets the aging bits by Logon System


by Overflow/Logon System at Revision 2017

22KB intro for Amstrad CPC 128KB RAM all-CRTCs

check http://norecess.cpcscene.net/ for extras:
write-up, source code, WIPs thru years, and special "hidden work" build


other credits:

Tom&Jerry/GPA > "DeadEnd" AY song 
	courtesy of Roudoudou/Flower Corp
	check http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=67598
        I've been using "DeadEnd" as template song since the early stages.
        Finally I keep it for release instead of trying a new song:
        it's a great piece - it fits very well - "my demo my choice!"
        Thanks to Tom&Jerry for original tune and his tweaks for this prod.
Targhan/Arkos > Starkos player - constant cpu-time
	This demo would have not been possible without such a player,
        which has very low requirements on memory.

NoRecess/Condense > moral support
        Thanks for faith and support since the very beginning.


used tools:

Winape           emulator
SJasm+           asm
Exomizer         crunching
Crimson Editor   editing asm source
BlitzBasic       generating data
Frhed            checking files
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