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singles collection volume 1 by united states of c64 [web]


Way back, before the dawn of time (well okay, the dawn of
trackmos and dentros at least) the C64 demo scene was a busy
place; the combination of a large number of active coders
and the relative simplicity of actually producing a demo or
indeed megademo meant that there were vast numbers of products
being released and distributed. And that was good, lots of
demos meant we were all happy demo watchers.

As demos have become more complex to produce, coders have found
that it takes a lot more work to produce something for release.
As a result, there is now more emphasis on the "bang for bucks"
a release receives and this equates (for the majority of demos
at least) to releasing at parties. So, for the rest of the year,
we have only a few releases and a concentration of large
productions around Christmas time when X, The Party and a few
other large events happen. So, apart from a few braver crews
releasing smaller productions, we have quiet times between events.

The basic idea for Singles Collection is similar to that of the
old T.R.C. Mega-Co or Triangle Demo of the Year; a collection
of parts produced by various crews and linked to run as one
product, but with a few important differences to make Singles
Collection stand out. First off, if there is enough support for it,
the project will be ongoing and there will be more than just one
or two released.

The second and more important difference is that, rather than have
an arbitrary release date (for example, making it a yearly "event"
or a one-shot deal) the Singles Collection packs will be released
as soon as there are enough parts to fill a disk side. Each part
will be linked to a loader that pulls the next one in once it's
done and a Singles Collection intro and end part with some form of
credit upscroller will be added and all of the parts linked to run
in sequence.

doxx typed/supllaid by rAVeR iNcorported company LtD muhahahahahahaha
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