Textulation by Peisik [web] & Sinc-X
Textulation by Peisik & Sinc-X ------------------------------ a demo for TMDC 19 codes: cce msqrt musics: Sinc-X Designed for 8x8 raster font to get square pixels. Thanks to --------- - Sol^HSA for TextFX7 What is CoolBasic? ------------------ This can be answered in many ways, here are some common explanations. - "THE ULTIMATE GAME PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE" - "just a wrapped version of BlitzBasic" - "a wrapper for Blitz3D which simply distributes a compiled bb.exe for free and lets the users access all the blitz commands using a scripting language. " - "Thats the language that wraps blitz3D isn't it." - "I thought that was by some Russian guy?"
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