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4palmz by Checkpoint [web]

 PalmOS(R) Demo Coding Competition 2002                   Submission

 Submitted by:      Defjam
 =============      defjam_cp@gmx.net

 Archive Contents:  palmos-4palmz.prc

 Development:       - Pila assembler
 ============       - various Atari ST programs (Turboassembler, Bugaboo, GFA-Basic, Crackart)
                    - PRCExplorer

                    - **100%** Motorola 68k assembler code programming, *NO* C use

 Description:       - classical 4 screens in one demo
 ============       - dedicated to JMP, maybe the first one who did that 4 screens
		      in one effect for the first back in ~1989 on Atari ST

		    should run on any PalmOS color device

 Contest Category:  Analysis of program shows that it
 =================  can run solely with "code0001.bin" resource that
                    is 4096 bytes [after header deduction].
                    ==> 4K submission. [or "all" category]

 Notes:		    - this demo can be size reduced a lot...  first I wanted to use a
 ======	               packer too (for some data-snippets) - but due to the lack of time
		      I didn't, even the speed aspect avoided me from further size optimisation
		    - the 'design' elements takes way too much space than I first expected
		    - NO graphics/resources are used from the OS, everything comes/is generated
		      by the program
		    - done in ~1 week
		    - Checkpoint's website: http://checkpoint.atari.org
		      (Atari ST/F030 - GBA - PDA)
		    - assembly rules (esp. Motorola 68000 !! :)


                                                         July 06, 2002
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