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fr-084: Robot is jarig by Farbrausch [web]


                         fr-084: Robot is jarig



This 64k intro is designed for 720p for high-end GPUs (Geforce GTX970 and 
up), so if your PC, primarily your graphic card, is too slow, this 64k
intro will not only run at low framerates, it will break apart terribly.

Information for the quality levels:

Ugly @ 720p     = Factor sqrt(1.0 / (1 << 4)) =   320x180 frame buffer object render targets
Low @ 720p      = Factor sqrt(1.0 / (1 << 3)) =   452x254 frame buffer object render targets
Medium @ 720p   = Factor sqrt(1.0 / (1 << 2)) =   640x360 frame buffer object render targets
High @ 720p     = Factor sqrt(1.0 / (1 << 1)) =   905x509 frame buffer object render targets
Ultra @ 720p    = Factor 1.0                  =  1280x720 frame buffer object render targets (1:1 ratio)
Ultra+ @ 720p   = Factor sqrt(1 << 1)         = 1810x1018 frame buffer object render targets (pratically supersampling!)
Ultra++ @ 720p  = Factor sqrt(1 << 2)         = 2560x1440 frame buffer object render targets (pratically supersampling!)
Ultra+++ @ 720p = Factor sqrt(1 << 3)         = 3620x2036 frame buffer object render targets (pratically supersampling!)
Overkill @ 720p = Factor sqrt(1 << 4)         = 5120x2880 frame buffer object render targets (pratically supersampling!)

Ultra @ 720p is the for-it-designed quality level and screen resolution, 
otherwise the energy conservating HDR pipeline will have energy conservating
problems due to then mismatched mipmap-chains. 

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