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Monkey Lad

# Monkey Lad v0.2

Our entry into the 2016 SMS Power coding competition.

A platformer game engine for the SMS. Run around and stomp on the monsters.
It is best played on an NTSC SMS but will work on a PAL system.

I'm also releasing the code this time which is a little scary. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.


## Controls

- Button 1       :-  Jump
- Left <-> Right :-  Move the player

## Credits

- Code + gameplay: Eric Fry (efry)
- Gfx + concept:   surt
- Music:           Niloct

## Source

The source (except PSGLib) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial license.


A bit more work is required to turn this into a proper game.
In no particular order.

- Thoughtful level design
- More monsters
- Scoring
- Collectible items
- Stage bosses
- A story
- PAL timings

## Software Used

- WLA-DX -- http://www.villehelin.com/wla.html
- Z80 Editor -- https://github.com/yuv422/z80editor
- png2tile -- https://github.com/yuv422/png2tile
- PSGLib -- https://github.com/sverx/PSGlib
- Grafx2 -- http://pulkomandy.tk/projects/GrafX2
- Gimp -- http://www.gimp.org/
- LOVE -- https://love2d.org/
- ZeroBrane Studio -- https://studio.zerobrane.com/
- CLion -- https://www.jetbrains.com/clion/
- Tiled -- http://www.mapeditor.org/
- Bitbucket -- https://bitbucket.org/

## Tools

- Master everdrive USB (for testing)
- EasyCap USB video capture device

## Thanks

Thanks to SMS Power for providing a great place to discuss all things 8-bit SEGA.
Thanks also to *psidum* for lots of play testing and feedback. :)

(c) 2016 Eric Fry, surt, Niloct 2016-03-27
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