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Ravetro by Byteam [web]

                 │                            ravetro (c) 1996 bÿteam dezign │
         creditz │ main code -> blala                                        │
        ─────────│ pmode/player -> robymus                                   │
                 │ gfx/dzign -> blala                                        │
                 │ muzak -> tif/silicon brain                                │
                 │ font -> dj/2dash                                          │
                 │ moral support -> lorenzo/darkside (and lotza otherz.. :)  │
                 │ byteam logo -> planb                                      │
                 │                                                           │
    requirements │ 386+ vga                                                  │
   ──────────────│ gus for sounds                                            │
                 │ a fast machine is really recommended because the correct  │
                 │ timing is very important in this production! also the gus │
                 │ is highly recommended..                                   │
                 │                                                           │
 troubleshooting │ load ems (tested with emm386), kill tsrs, kill windoze,   │
─────────────────│ buy a new machine, etc, etc.. you know it already.. :)    │
                 │                                                           │
       copyright │ this material is not freeware. you are allowed to copy it │
      ───────────│ without restrictions for noncommercial use. no payment of │
                 │ any kind may be charged for this product or any combina-  │
                 │ tion of products and services including this product      │
                 │ without our authorization and official written lisence.   │
                 │ this program or the data files contained therein may not  │
                 │ be altered or modified without our written permission.    │
                 │                                                           │
      disclaimer │ you take full responsibility for the operation of this    │
     ────────────│ software and any consequences thereof. we the creators    │
                 │ can not accept liability for damages or failures arising  │
                 │ from the use of this software.                            │
                 │                                                           │
      memberlist │ blala .................................... code/gfx/dzign │
     ────────────│ digital pain ................................ muzak/dzign │
                 │                                                           │
  party releases │ ƒunny covox           [demo]        varparty ii  [aug'94] │
 ────────────────│ beetle's dance        [zak]         theparty iv  [dec'94] │
                 │ incompatibility       [64k]    #1   cache'95     [mar'95] │
                 │ composed by a minute  [zak]    #1   cache'95     [mar'95] │
                 │ dézign suxx           [lamer]  #1   scenest 1    [apr'95] │
                 │ local bus             [lamer]  #2   scenest 1    [apr'95] │
                 │ singularity           [zak]    #3   scenest 1    [apr'95] │
                 │ protected news        [zak]         scenest 1    [apr'95] │
                 │ complexity            [4k]     #7   assembly'95  [aug'95] │
                 │ preview               [64k]    #2   cache'96s    [mar'96] │
                 │ caleidoscope          [4k]     #3   scenest 2    [apr'96] │
                 │ city                  [trace]       scenest 2    [apr'96] │
                 │ white dove            [zak]         flag'96      [jul'96] │
                 │ adamantium            [4k]     #7   flag'96      [jul'96] │
                 │ countach              [4k]     #2   assembly'96  [aug'96] │
                 │ pocsolya              [64k]    #10  assembly'96  [aug'96] │
                 │ methodology           [4k]     #5   antiq'96     [aug'96] │
                 │ anima                 [4k]     #6   antiq'96     [aug'96] │
                 │ bubbles               [4k]     #2   pieslice'96  [oct'96] │
                 │ ravetro               [64k]     ?   cache'96a    [nov'96] │
                 │                                                           │
   not party rel │ incomsrc.zip          [source]                   [apr'95] │
  ───────────────│ kintro.zip            [bbsaddy+src]              [jul'95] │
                 │ megant.zip            [zaks]                     [jul'95] │
                 │ bct.com               [bbsaddy]                  [jul'95] │
                 │ cmplxsrc.zip          [source]                   [aug'95] │
                 │ bubblsrc.zip          [source]                   [oct'96] │
                 │                                                           │
         history │ nov'93   byteam founded by robymus/blala/megant           │
        ─────────│ jul'94   leon sky joined as a graphic artist              │
                 │ jan'95   plan-b joined as a graphic artist                │
                 │ feb'95   zts joined as a musician                         │
                 │          hal joined as a cool guy :)                      │
                 │ may'95   senator joined as a doom champion :))            │
                 │ feb'96   dave joined as a coder                           │
                 │ mar'96   megant/senator/plan-b/leon sky left byteam       │
                 │ apr'96   leon sky's last byteam release :)                │
                 │ jun'96   trapeer joined as a 3d graphic artist            │
                 │ aug'96   robymus/hal left byteam (lack of interest)       │
                 │          trapeer kicked out :))                           │
                 │ sep'96   zts/dave left byteam too..                       │
                 │          byteam has renaissance now :)                    │
                 │ oct'96   digital pain of dinasty joined as a musician     │
                 │                                                           │
         distros │ a.c.e          gandalf    +33.1.45887548   28k8    france │
        ─────────│ scenet         melan      +36.1.2285921    28k8   hungary │
                 │ x-press        sinus      +49.30.40632377  28k8   germany │
                 │ koalaland      stofi      +36.23.354776    28k8   hungary │
                 │ the bodycount  toci       +36.1.1696539    14k4   hungary │
                 │ free zone      mayweed    +33.1.69342267   28k8    france │
                 │ splatterpunk   teasy      +49.23782627     28k8   germany │
                 │ doomsday       darkhalf   +36.1.3260171    14k4   hungary │
                 │ countzero      yitzhaq    +47.55.122962    28k8    norway │
                 │ the pound      mater      +385.1.215132    14k4   croatia │
                 │                                                           │
      contacting │ email                 blala@eotvos.isk.huninet.hu (blala) │
     ────────────│             robymus@kalmar2.kalmar.hu (robymus/happening) │
                 │ snailmail         kômûves balázs (blala/byteam^happening) │
                 │                                százhalombatta, labda u. 6 │
                 │                                              2440 hungary │
                 │ phone                      +36.23.358331 (voice or modem) │
                 │                                                           │
    group greets │ abaddon.japotek.astroidea.murmidones.impulse.dolops.funk! │
   ──────────────│ majic 12.silicon brain.absolute!.mortal team.pulse.profik │
                 │ gollum.mandula.unique pc.remal.darkside.dentrifice.axioma │
                 │ agressive giants.happening.neutron.nosasoft.exhumers.coma │
                 │ golden chipmunk software empire.enlightenment.nooon.xtacy │
                 │ yodel.valhalla.digital development.controlled dreams.jamm │
                 │ capanña.exact.breeze.the mad team.brainlez coders.idgames │
                 │ psychic link.symphaty.skraappa skruuppi.complex.diffusion │
                 │ doomsday productions.dubius.cubicteam&seen.coral.realtech │
                 │ oxygene.dinasty.etc..                                     │
                 │                                                           │
 personal greets │ melan.reptile.o-man.snowman.kal.rené.periwinkle.pellicius │
─────────────────│ ionic.tomcat.ervin.tyrant.eft.rendall.lorenzo.chipie.toci │
                 │ madic.juliska.xanadu.albino.asyntote.cutnpaste.alma.galet │
                 │ titus.tif.stephen(tm).mallory.pnis.fanthomas.bigf00t.rack │
                 │ zak.darkhalf.elijah.maxwood.petroff.tigris.ruszi.exosworm │
                 │ stofi.gandalf.john zer0.leon king.raud.pit.czirba.vadmacs │
                 │ megant.plan-b.senator.koala kabala.victor.tomcat2.lacoste │
                 │ tshell.ward.netie.mrz.boldi.pti.myrel.fefe.profi1.robymus │
                 │ profi2.téem.drno.weed.caveman.ritus.murphy.logten.yitzhaq │
                 │ teasy.sinus.zts.dave.hal.trapeer.digital pain.olver lance │
                 │ rapier.mater.teasy.mayweed.kaos.and all i forgot.. sorry! │
                 │                                                           │
         closing │ musician(s) (maybe graphicians too:) wanted!!             │
        ─────────│                                                           │
                 │                                                           │
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