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RETROKOMP-LOAD ERROR PARTY INVITATION by Lamers [web] & Wanted Team [web]


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                    .                                  .
                   ::    RetroKomp + LOAD ERROR 2o15   ::
                    :   -----------------------------  :
                    :         party invitation         :
                   ::               _ _ _              ::
                    :                                  :
                   :: Requirements...stock.Atari.XL/XE ::
                    :                                  :
                   ::                                  ::
               .:::::  Released.on......o4-o6.o9.2o15  :::::.
          .   ..\...:  Riverwash.7......Cracow/Poland  :...../.
          _\    _\. :                                  :    /
 .:.......\     \...:             -   -   -            :.../_  /_........:.
  :        .     \                                          /   /        :
  :               `  \o/   RetroKomp / LOAD ERROR   \o/    .   /
  :                         party strikes back!               .
  ::::::::::::::   Gdansk./.Poland......16-18.october.2015
  :: "RetroKomp" - a retro-computer meeting (since 2012) comes back again
  :  together with "LOAD ERROR" demo-scene party, to provide you a 100%
  :  real-hardware experience and fun, the way it was during so-called
  :  "good, old days". No PCs (sorry), no LAN, no emulators, no modern
  :  consoles - only the real stuff!
  :: "RetroKomp" usually provides lectures, game tournaments, demo-shows,
  :  scene and retro-gamedev celebrity meetings. There is also a "RetroKomp
  :  Game Development Compo" - the final of a new-game development
  :  competition for any retro-platform you wish.
  :: In 2015, "LOAD ERROR" demo-scene party takes the lead as the main
  :  event, with scene live-acts and major demo-scene compos for all
  :  8-bit platforms and Amiga (all run from the real things, no PCs again).
  :: As this is going to be the 1st Amiga demo compo in Poland since 2003,
  :  apart from a regular compo prizes - all serious Amiga intro 64K or
  :  demo entries will be rewarded with an original Zubrowka 0.5l bottle.
  :  By "serious" we mean no fake/fun neither compo-fillers (these will be
  :  moved to Wild/Crazy Compo). Remote entries are also very welcome, but
  :  to receive the reward (tasty Zubrowka!), you have to be present during
  :  the demo compo.
  :: If you are serious about demo-scene and the real hardware - don't miss
  :  this one. There you will find an 80-90s atmosphere, scene & retro-
  :  computer oriented people. Not forgetting a very good polish beer!
  :: How to get there?
  :: Gdansk is the biggest city in the northern Poland (former host of Euro
  :  2012 group games) so it's pretty well accessible. Cheap flights from
  :  northern and central Europe, direct trains from Prague or Berlin,
  :  ferries from Denmark and Sweden.
  :: All the details are available on our web page.
  :                                      You are warmly welcomed!
  :                                                - the organizers.
  :                .
  :                  \   \                        .
                  .:._\  _\....................../ /....:..
                   : \   \                        /.    :
                 .::  `   \    .c.R.E.D.i.T.s. :        ::.
                   :      ------------------------      :
                   :   music...................mccnex   :
                   :   gfx.......................at0m   :
                   :   code & add gfx..........szeryf   :
                   :   support..................sachy   :
                  :.   support....................MKM   .:
                  :.   support................odyn1ec   .:
            .      :                                    :
             .    //::                                ::\\    .
              \     ::                                ::     /   .
 ......._\    _\.....::......... . . . . . ..........::...../_  /_........
        \     \     :                                  :     /   /
      .:. .....\....:      see you at the party!       :... .   / .:.
                `  .:    - --------------------- -     :.      .
          ' '':::::::  .  http://www.retrokomp.org  .  :::::::' '
                 .::::::       /                    ::::::.
                    :  :      / - - - - - - \       :  :
                    :  :   //                 \\    :  :
                      .:  .'       - - -        .   :.
                      ::                            ::
                       :use AMIGA TOPAZ fonts,please:

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