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Unnatural Feelings by Abcug! & Ezah & Towerx


                                present to you

             ┌┬─┬─┬┬─┬┬──┬──┬┬─┬──┬──┬┐    ┌──┬──┬──┬┐ ┌─┬─┬┬──┬──┐
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                       [ Van benne hidden switch is szarul ]
                        [ Már nincs , kioptimalizáltam :) ]

                             64k intro for AntiQ'99

 .oOo. Pretext: This intro don't released at mekka 2k-1 and arf'99 because
                some mistake of "friends". They forgot to enter this to
                the compo, thanks for it...

----------- -- - ∙

 Fist time everything is clear... But the next moment's always here...

 Your past is far-far away, your future doesn't care... Something strange
 happenned with the time. You FEEL UNNATURAL and that nighmare starts

 Think you R good enough:   80386+ and 80387
                            VESA 1.2 (32/24/16 bpp bank sw.mode support)
                            4mb of ram
                            GUS 256k (also SB/SBpro/NoSound supported)

 Hope you can escape before your future.
 Everything was wroted in a big book what you've never seen . Follow the
 line, mayB somebody guide in your journey .

 If U care:         code ......................... AbcuG!
                    Graphics ....................... Ezah
                    music ........................ TowerX

 Control your mind and you will have a succesful journey. Maybe you won't
 become one of the gray masses ...

 Need some help?:   AbcuG!..............abcug@hotmail.com

 Everything is clear now, hope you never let me down again ...

 Budapest. 12h of april in 1999                                        AbcuG!
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