Imvitation by Wursthupe & Digital Demolition Krew & Brain Control [web]
I M V I T A T I O N ===================== Brought to you by WURSTHUPE, DIGITAL DEMOLITION KREW and BRAIN CONTROL Code - dojoe, T$ Graphics - OhLi, WiDDY Soundtrack - Skyrunner Come the fuck to Nordlicht 2015! June 19-21, 2015 Bremen - Germany ____________________________________________ <3 from dojoe to: Revision Organizing, Saga Musix, the very fine gentlepeople of Mercury, Oni, HALLO M0G! HUHUUU!, kurli, lft, Preacher, messy, gaspode, BeRo, rtificial and YOU! T$ smiles and waves at: the old men of SquoQuo, JUMALAUTA!, Anasmurska OhLi greets: The Dreams and Xayax (this time I didn`t forget you guys) WiDDY says yo! Nuance, Genesis*Project, the others from Schengen Allstars, TRSi, Oxyron, and all C64 and Nintendo folks in general. SAUFT! Skyrunner greetz: Payne, Hunta, Ewerybody, Sinar, Svolli, Styx, Han Solo, Seven, Unlock, Deft, Jtz, Kojote and all I forgot! ____________________________________________ Special thanks to: dstar - for the awesome Nordlicht logo kurli - for sharing the source to 1 Finger hadez - for compiling on Linux h0uz3 - for doing the same on OS X ____________________________________________ To run the Linux version: Install libglfw3 and libSOIL . ./ ____________________________________________ Libraries used: And because sharing is caring, the full source code for Imvitation is on Github:
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