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charm by Rtificial [web]

         ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
 --~===||  R   T   I   F   I   C   I   A   L  ||===~--
          ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____|'

                    @ REVISION 2015

               ---     presents:     ---

               ---  a  PC 64k intro  ---

 --~==||  A B O U T
       |   ein bisschen bee
       '   our  last  release  was  very  un-
           polished  because we  did not have
           the  time  to  go   over  editing,
           colors  and  other  details.  even
           without  much  time  we   strongly
           wanted  to  release  something  at
           revision  -  sort of our home-, as
           first, party.

           starting from a way better founda-
           tion  than  last time,  we did not
           have  to  fight  that  many   last
           minute   problems  as   with   our
           previous  release.   therefore  we
           took  our  time   (after  the  sub
           mission  deadline of  course ;) to
           fine  tune  edit,  camera  motion,
           colors and color grading.

           not  everything   is   perfect  of
           course,  but  we  are getting more
           skill, our  tools are more  mature
           and  we can  shift our  focus more
           to  the real   content   side   as
           opposed to  fixing the tool chain.

           again huge thanks to:
             las/mercury                       |
           for their help <3                   ||==~--

 --~==||  C R E D I T S
       |   code, editing, visuals:
       '          _vincent
           music:                              |
                  Dr. B                        ||==~--
 --~==||  R E Q U R I M E N T S
       |   Windows
       '   Nvidia graphics card               |

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