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Singularity by Onslaught [web]

  ___ ___ _____ ___  /\_ __ ____ _\ _\_____
 /_  \ _ \_ __/_  /_/ \  \ \  __/_ \\__   _\
/ \  / /  /__  / /  /  \  \ \ \_  \ __ \  \/
\___/_/__//___/____/    \___/\____/__\__\__\
 \__\_\\_\\___\\__/ 2014 \_/\/___//_//_//__/
!NE7 ----------- /________\ ---------------- >>
   :.... NAME: Singularity          ....:
   :.... DATE: 15/11/2014           ....:
   :.... PARTY: Syntax              ....:
   :.... CODE: Drift                ....:
   :.... MUSIC: Anthrium            ....:
   :.... GRAPHICS: N3xu5            ....:

This was a fast-made demo for release at
Syntax Party Australia 2014. It is the
first PC demo from Onslaught!

Thanks to everyone who helped with making
this demo happen. Jazzcat for organising
everything and Squeakyneb who helped with
the debugging.

Party release, tested on various systems
works best with nvidia cards. Requires
around GTX660 or better for high resolution
and fps. Set to low quality mode and lower
resolution if you have a slower card.


PC section memberstatus:

Anthrium - (Music)
Algorithm - (Code)
CONS - (Music) 
DJB - (Music)
Drift - (Code, Music)
Jazzcat - (Org)
Neurosis - (Design)
N3XU5 - (Design)
SoNiC - (Music)
Squeakyneb - (Code)

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