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|.                          clichΘs @ evoke 2014                              .|
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|                          we are not a demogroup                              |
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|  win7 dx11 c++                                                               |
|  wants to drop a data folder, you have been warned!                          |
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|  credits:                                                                    |
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|                        code / 3d / design - iGore                            |
|                           2d / design - messy                                |
|                            music - lug00ber                                  |
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|  ascii logo by dipswitch^black maiden                                        |
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|  greets:                                                                     |
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|  ASD, Black Maiden, Cocoon, Conspiracy, Desire, Excess, Focus Design,        |
|  Fairlight, Farbrausch, Haujobb, Insane, Kolor, Kewlers, Loonies, Mercury,   |
|  MFX, Nuance, Outracks, Pandacube, Plastic, Rebels, Smash Designs,           |
|  Speckdrumm, Still, TBL, TRSI, all other pals we forgot.                     |
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|  personal greets:                                                            |
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|  igor: die k╓nigin, trifox, teo-t, dAdAmAn.                                  |
|  messy: maxi, #revisionorga, #demo.ger.                                      |
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|  looking for 3d artists preferrably working with cinema4d!                   |
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|  https://www.facebook.com/igor.ajdinovic.1                                   |
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|  http://lug00ber.m0f0.net/demoscene/                                         |
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|  'bass audio library' by un4seen - http://www.un4seen.com                    |
|  'FW1FontWrapper' by Erik Rufelt - http://fw1.codeplex.com                   |
|           'Zip Utils' by ljw1004 - http://tinyurl.com/ljw1004                |
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|   |   | <- igor's pants
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