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Gameover 4k by Northern Dragons [web]

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          °°°°°±°°±±°±±°°°°±                Game Over 4K
         °°°°°°±±±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ           A 4KB Experience created for you for
          ²²²°²²²°ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ           at Recursion Demo Party 2013 
          ° ²²²²²²Û²Û±±±±Û²±          
            °²²²²²²²²           ±±     The Guilty:
             °°°°°°°°          °±±±±    * Syntax / Nortern Dragons
             ±°±±°±±±           ±±±±    * Polaris / Nortern Dragons
            °²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²         Greets go out to:
            ±±±±±±±±±±    °               ACiD Adinpsz Hornet GLFusion
            °±±±±±±±±           °°°       Brainstorm Conspiracy HEXAWE
            °°²²²±±±±                     Krue Quebarium Traction tAAt
            °²°°±±±±°                     YouthUprising Blerx DC5 TRSi
             ²±±±±±±±                     TrailerParkDemos Calodox Orb
             °°°°°°°°                      XPLSV 20kbps trauma bawlz  
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