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Beertro 01 by Flush

  ____  ______ ______ _____ _______ _____   ____   ___  __ 
 |  _ \|  ____|  ____|  __ \__   __|  __ \ / __ \ / _ \/_ |
 | |_) | |__  | |__  | |__) | | |  | |__) | |  | | | | || |
 |  _ <|  __| |  __| |  _  /  | |  |  _  /| |  | | | | || |
 | |_) | |____| |____| | \ \  | |  | | \ \| |__| | |_| || |
 |____/|______|______|_|  \_\ |_|  |_|  \_\\____/ \___/ |_|

BEERTRO01 is a quick invitation for a meeting held in paris. Dates to be defined during the next weeks
on doodle : www.doodle.com/cvazc7z6u69c4rsc

Code Music Gfx Design => p0ke/flush

Release date : October 2013

OS : Windows

Devc++ / Mingw / gcc / Opengl

Works on Wine under linux

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