woezine #04 by wasted obfuscated evolution [web]
wOE!zINE issue iV (c) woe productions corp.Þ1998Þ Tü'` d P ?ºPü' ,d' .P¼ü'`~~~~~~~~~~~d P ?P ,»ºP ' .É%@@@@@@@% d `ÈSºP b ? dP .dP d ù, `'ü?P db dP dººPü^ dP d ?º@». P db dP dP ù dP d ?b dbP dP .' dP ,Pü'^ ^'ü b ?b dPP , dP ' .É»%%%». b ?bP ?P dP dP .d b ?P ?P dP d d7ü^"""^ü b ?P ? d P" É%@@%», b ?P b, ,db YºP^ ,dº b P db YººP ,ɺ iv b ,' Featuring: ... `Y ? '+ interview with mag/netmodem aut `?ºº + interview with j-dredd/lucid bbs `È***¼' + interview with mighty mouse/cia pres_ _ + read about the infusion pre-release%%%%% ,+ news of the bbs scene and more .. , ºb,_08Mar_,dº People say its polite to read a mag quietly!!!!!!
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