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refleXion by Adapt [web]

                           _   ___o_
                                  :/// /
                         ________ :         ________        ___________
                       __\___   /_: _____ __\___   /_ ______\  _   _  /
                      /     _    /__\__  \     _    /_\_    /__/   /__\
                     /      /  _/     /   \    /  _/   /     //   /
            -- ------\_________\     /    /_______\   /_____//____\-tR!------>
                              /__________/      /______\
                                  :       a D A P T
                                  :           @
                                  :     assembly 2013
                            "refleXion - a trip to the negative zone?"

                            Adapt @ Assembly 2013 (yes, in the future)

                                   Code     - Deepr
                                   Code     - Basscadet
                                   Graphics - Mistral
                                   Graphics - Legend
                                   Graphics - Deepr
                                   Music    - Legend
                                   Music    - Minomus/Evoflash
                                              (Andy Piney)
                                   Ascii    - Threaz/Twisted

      First time in history, well at least on Assembly, Adapt finally submits almost fully 
	  finalized "big" production. This was done during two weeks. When arriving at the party place
	  we had almost no ready assets or timeline. On friday night, we had 12 seconds of ready material.
	  So... what you're looking at is info file, watch the demo instead! :) err...

      Uses modified (adapted) GNU Rocket with 257 tracks, DirectX 9, Rodeo and Adapt Demo Engine v.2013
          also FXAA shader written by Timothy Lottes used for antialising deferred rendering stuff
         Greetings to:
      Anal Reapers - Thermopylae Condoms - Varren Hoarders - Shepard...
      Accession - Byterapers - Brainstorm - CNCD - Dekadence - DSS - NPLI - Portal Process 
      Kewlers - MFX - TRSI - Twisted - GIN - Bilotrip - Trilobit - Matt Current - JML - DCS
      Parallax - Ksylitol - Complex - TPOLM - Odelay - Pixheli - Damones (liek a virgin)
      Syntesthetics - FIT - SQNY - promille deZign
	  Ananasmurska - HBC - G-Cluster - Peisik - And all we have forgotten, very sorry about it.
	  Lovely wifes and dogs and cats.

                   ...........                            ...........................................
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               .::::   :::   ::::.                    .::::   :::               :::            .::::
             .::::     :::     ::::.                .::::     :::  :::::::::   .:::  :::::::::::::
           .::::   .:  :::  :.   ::::.            .::::   .:  :::  :::::::   .:::::  :::::::::::
         .::::   .:::  :::  :::.   ::::.        .::::   .:::  :::  :::::   .:::::::  :::
       .::::   .:::::  :::  :::::.   ::::.    .::::   .:::::  :::  :::   .::::  :::  :::
     .::::   .:::::::  :::  :::::::.   ::::..::::   .:::::::  :::  :   .::::    :::  :::
   .::::   .:::::::::  :::  :::::::::.   ::::::   .:::::::::  :::  : .::::      :::  :::
 .::::   .:'           :::  :              ::   .:'           :::  :::::        :::  :::
  :::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::  :::          ::::::::
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  :::          ::::::::
      :::                                                     ::::::::

                   press F9 for special black tunnel of eternal void cheat mode
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