0x6 by Linus
resoultion is changable, default is 1080p: shiva.exe WIDTH HEIGHT FSAA Gfx/Code: Linus Music: W0lfis 14h demohack. Had pretty much no time left over for credits, text, or anything fun, which is unfortunate. CHeers go out to w0lfis for the music, sajko and lusius because they're sajko and lusius, rymdreglage and the others sitting in front of me. Creds also to TiTAn, p-rabbit, wiklund, zalza, michu, malmen, joule, nalle, mental, even, topatisen, Raddox, dunz0r, FairLight, TBL, Edison, even, and everyone else who I obviously forgot to mention. Note: This probably only runs on Nvidia, haven't had any chance whatsoever to test Radeon compatibility. Sorry! ~Linus
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