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The Ultimate Moving by SquoQuo [web]

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        | The Ultimate Moving  |
  _-¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -____________- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯-_
 |                                    |
 | CODE: Hopper                       |
 |                                    |
 | ABOUT: Short invitation for tUM,   |
 |        The Ultimate Meeting 2012   |
 |                                    |
 | REQUIRES: Standard Atari XL/XE     |
 |                                    |
 | GREETINGS:Metalvotze, Nuance, T$,  |
 |           anti, Speckdrumm, Toxie, |
 |           Stroboholics, TRSI, JAC! |
 |           Mercury (we did it ;-)   |
 |           Headcrash, Hitmen, G*P   |
 |           and all we forgot (again)|
 |                                    |
 | contact: squoquo@squoquo.de        |
 | website: http://squoquo.de         |
 |                                    |

What the hell is going on?
As you might have already noticed, this year's tUM won't be business as usual.
The landlord or the Festhalle Durlach annoyed us for so long we decided that it's time for a change.

When will it take place?
27th to 29th of December 2012

Where will it be?
Sterngasse 75
64347 Griesheim

What's going to change?
Not much, actually...
There's going to be COMPOS
There's going to be MEAT
There's going to be BREAKFAST
There's going to be DANCING
We'll also have showers and probably some space for sleeping

Everything will be NEW and WONDERFUL!

See you there!

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