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Zombie by K-Storm [web] & Los Tacos De Mexico [web]

                        **>- megadrive demo -<**
                        **>- 4Mb - 4mn00s   -<**
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     ,++/     "++\  ░(K-Storm and The Los Tacos From Mexico)░
     ^++*      '+++.	
     x++xx     x,++++k-------------> 2012
           most pictures comes from public domain movies :
           night of the living dead, oasis of the zombies,
           a boy and his dog, the satanic rites of dracula.
  thanks goes to stef for your awesome sgdk, sigflup, oerg866 and you
   www.kstorm.org                     www.soundcloud.com/thelostacos
     \_/      .zombie.................................................
    /___\     .k-storm and the los tacos..............................
   /(o.o)\    .released at chaos constructions 2012...................
   (_| |_)    .http://www.kstorm.org..................................
   / .|. \    .www.soundcloud.com/thelostacos.........................
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