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Ethereal Xperience by Alien

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         úúúú---ÄÄÄÄÄÄ an ALIEN production ÄÄÄÄÄÄ----úúúú

     for the Euskal party 5 (July 1997, San Sebastian, Spain)

     Coded by ShadE and WiseFox

     Disclaimer and legal stuff

     We (Shade and WiseFox) release this source code to the public
     domain, that is, you can do whatever you please with it as long
     as you credit us for its creation. No money other than the price
     of the media it's contained in can be charged for its distribution.

     We will not be liable for any damaged that might happen due to the
     usage or missusage of this program. On the other hand we have never
     known of any problem caused by this piece of code.

     For any question, suggestion or remark, please e-mail us!

               - Fractal generated background
               - Blurr motioned 3D stuff
               - Newer smoke plasma algorithms
               - Mandelbrot set rotozoomer
               - Prespectived tunnel
               - Voxel landscape for credits

     ...and all this, of course, is non compressed 286/287 code!!
                         TINY CODING RULES!!

     System requirements
               - a good old 286+ processor
               - a 287+ co-processor      (NEEDED!!!)
               - any vga card
               - 384k of free base memory
               - a nice Pentium (R) of any clock speed
               - co-processor is included ;)
               - a gfx rocker PCI graphics card
               - 384k of free base memory

     Greetings (in no order)
               The Banner, Dosis, iGUANA, Unknown, Crystal Shade,
               Incognita, Savage, MCD, T.L.O.T.B., Clone Zero,
               Noria Works, Exobit, Requien, Toxic, W.A.H.T.,
               Zoran and such a lot of people/groups we should greet
               here, but you all know it's easy to forget... :)

     Closing words
     This 4k intro got a nice 3rd place at Euskal Party 5 held in
     San Sebastian (Euskadi, Spain) in July, 1997.
     I guess we could squeeze some more bytes, but we already were
     within the limits, and I just preferred to have a get and
     easy to understand piece of code.

     Note: The commented code in the polygon filler is the clipping
           stuff, I just left it out for the E logo never seemed to
           move out of the screen. Un-comment it if you plan to use
           the routine.

                                See ya!!
                                    Signed: ShadE

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