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Mind Over Matter by The Lost Souls [web]

                 ------------- Mind over Matter ---------------

                             a production by
                           The Lost Souls 1996

                 Released for the Gathering '96 democompo


- 386  :)
- 600kb conventional memory

     The demo is tested with several memory configurations, and it seems
like it works fine with both EMM386, QEMM, and so on. If you run it from
Windows 95, just sit back and watch your computer explode. There might be a
problem with the soundcard autodection, but just make sure the BLASTER or
ULTRASND variables are right, and correspond with your soundcard's setup.
You'll also need EMS for the samples.

PS: There are no testing for enough basemem available, as the demo requires
widely different amounts for GUS (almost 600k), SB16 (580k) and NoSound

(You know this...)

     You run this program at your own risk, and we don't take any
responsability for any loss or damage of data caused by this program.
     This product is freeware and can be freely distributed in it's original
form, and as long as no payment is charged. No commercial use can be performed
without our personal and written permission.


     Rex Rawhead    :    "TLS" - logo
                         "Mind over Matter" - logo
                         Gluckasil - object
                         Bell - object
                         Musical - object

     Kezoomer       :    All music
                         Wooden cheese background

     Cyberfish      :    All coding
                         Torus   (Impressing...)
                         Blob (Even more impressing...)

     Edward         :    Player


     Don't bother mail us about how slow and lousy the code is, as we already
know. Up to a few weeks ago, I had never heard about pipelines, AGI's and
so on. Why? Because noone ever told me... (...and I'm stuck in a stupid valley
in Norway without any contact with other coders...)  My sourcecodes are also
starting to look like spagetti, and I'm totally out of control.
     Hmm... I've got a message for some guys out there; Last year, someone
called Kezoomer and asked if we could help them with some Pascal-stuff. I'm
very sorry we haven't sent you anything! We actually made something for you,
but your adress disappeared. Just call us again, or send an e-mail to one
of us. (I'm really sorry!)
BTW; Thanks to Voltaire/OTM for his nice docs on sorting and phongshading,
     and Edward Schlunder for his player. (There are some nasty bugs in there,
     Edward! :)


Many people say that music probably is the easiest part of a larger demo, and
that "anyone" can make that music... THAT IS NOT TRUE! It might be the easiest
part, but is not EASY in any way... The coders wishes and demands rarely
match with the composers, but as the coders have the power, they decide what's
best.. (Even if it isn't!). "We need a swoooop here. Can you shorten that part
a bit? More bass please. Less bass please. Why do you use all those
channels,man?"...And so on... Drives me nuts... (And fuck that player we use...
It generally sucks, and portamento doesn't work... arrrrrrrrrrgh!)
Ofcourse "anyone" can make music... "Anyone" can paint pictures. "Anyone" can
form sculptures. "Anyone" can play the piano. "Anyone" can make a movie.
I bet you understand what I mean, right?


     White Spirit


Cyberfish greets...
    Allanon /Depth
    Paithan /Depth
    LunkWill /?
    Axon /Xenon
    Hobbes /Xenon
    Ghoul /Xenon
    White Spirit /Infernal

Rawhead greets...

    All of these people are friends of mine on IRC, and they all helped me
    with this and that.
    Since I'm already typing here i would like to thank the people at adobe
    for a great program (Adobe Photoshop). I would like to thank Kai for his
    hints and tips. I would like to thank the people behind 3D-Studio
    (surprise!! :D) That's about it.

    Contact me at geiras@ifi.unit.no (specially if you wanna give me a SGI :))

Kezoomer greets...

    White Spirit / Infernal
    saracen / EMF
    Reward / Complex
    Jugi / Complex
    Sandman / Valhalla
    Juggler / Xtacy
    ZauRon / iRS
    Gloom / ?
    Caramel / ?
    Calvin / Proxima
    Flintstone / Sliver
    Trixter / Hornet
    Snowman / Hornet
    Duncan / ???
    BugBoy / LRU
    Leinad / ???

    Lots of strange people to whom I send greetings for different reasons...
    Also a grand hello to all IRC-junkies on #europe, #coders and #tg96.
    Oh, btw:
    MAIL ME! I looove e-mail!
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